Unsubscribe or subcribe for emails


Unsubscribe Directly via Email

You can directly unsubscribe from the emails by opening an email from Luscii and clicking on 'Unsubscribe from these emails' at the bottom.


Accessing Notification Settings

To adjust your notification settings in the Luscii app, navigate to 'Settings' in the bottom right menu. Then select ‘Notifications’ to access the notification settings.


Adjusting Notification Settings

Within the notification settings, there are various options you can adjust:


  1. Push Notifications:
    • If the push notification option is enabled, you will receive push notifications on your device. For push notifications, you need to grant permission for notifications from the Luscii app in your device’s iOS settings. This permission is requested the first time you use the Luscii app.
  2. Email for new actions
    • If the 'New Actions Email' option is enabled, you will receive an email when actions are scheduled for that day.
  3. Email for missed actions:
    • If the 'Missed Actions Email' option is enabled, you will receive an email notification when scheduled actions are not completed.
  4. Sound effects:
      • The 'Sounds' setting allows you to enable or disable sound effects within the app.

Direct uitschrijven via e-mail

Je kan je direct uitschrijven van de e-mails door een e-mail van Luscii te openen en onderin op 'Zet deze mails uit' te klikken. 


Toegang tot de meldingsinstellingen

Om je meldingsinstellingen aan te passen in de Thuismeten-app, navigeer je rechtsboven naar de grijze cirkel met het poppetje. Vervolgens klik je op "Beheer profiel" gevolgd door ‘Meldingen’ om toegang te krijgen tot de meldingsinstellingen.


Aanpassen van de meldingsinstellingen

Binnen de meldingsinstellingen zijn verschillende opties die je kunt aanpassen:

  1. Pushmeldingen:
    • Als de optie voor pushmeldingen is ingeschakeld, ontvang je  pushmeldingen op je apparaat. Voor pushmeldingen moet je in de Android-instellingen van je apparaat toestemming geven voor meldingen van de Thuismeten-app. Deze toestemming wordt gevraagd bij het eerste gebruik van de Thuismeten-app.
  2. E-mail bij nieuwe acties:
    • Als de optie voor 'Nieuwe Acties E-mail' is ingeschakeld, ontvang je een e-mail wanneer er acties gepland staan voor die dag.
  3. E-mail bij vergeten acties:
    • Als de optie 'Vergeten Acties E-mail' is ingeschakeld, ontvang je een e-mailmelding wanneer geplande acties niet zijn voltooid.

Frequently asked questions

Find the answer to your question

If you receive the email ‘Your actions for today have not been submitted,’ it means you have not completed the actions for that day in the Home screen of the Thuismeten app. If your actions have been successfully submitted, a blue checkmark will be visible next to the action in the Home screen.

Note: It is possible that new actions have been added to the Home screen based on previously submitted measurements. If you do not complete these actions, you will also receive a notification by email.

If you enter measurements via the ‘Self-care’ screen, these measurements will not be marked as completed under ‘Home’.

If the above information does not resolve the issue, please contact Luscii Support.

If you are experiencing issues with performing the heart rate measurement via the camera lens, you can try the following tips to resolve the problem:

  • Warm your hands under warm water and shake them well to improve blood circulation to the fingertips.
  • Try a different finger if it doesn't work with a particular finger.
  • Make sure you do not move during the measurement.
  • Do not press your finger against the lens.
  • Place your hand on a stable surface.
  • Ensure there is sufficient light in the room.
  • Do not start a measurement if your device's battery percentage is lower than 10%.

It is possible that your measurement schedule is different than expected or has changed over time.

Your healthcare provider schedules actions in the measurement schedule. The measurement schedule is located in the ‘Home’ screen in the Thuismeten app. For questions about your measurement schedule, you should contact your healthcare provider.

Was your answer not among them?

Then contact our Luscii Support at support@luscii.com or via our chat.
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