You can change your personal information in the Luscii app:
Go to the ‘Settings’ screen and select your email address or name at the top. In this screen, you can change the following personal information:
- First name, middle name, and last name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Address (street, number, addition, city, postal code, country)
You can change your phone number or email address through your healthcare provider or Luscii Support.
You can change your personal information in the Luscii app:
Click on the grey circle with the figure in it at the top right. Then click on 'Manage Profile' and then on 'Personal Information'.
- First name, middle name, and last name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Address (street, number, addition, city, postal code, country)
You can change your phone number or email address through your healthcare provider or Luscii Support.