Installing the Luscii App



Login to the Luscii App

How do I change my login method?


Follow these steps to install the Luscii app on your mobile device:

  1. Open the App Store:

    • Open the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
    • If you are viewing this page on an iPhone or iPad, click here to directly open the Luscii app in the App Store.
  2. Search for the Luscii app:

    • Tap the search bar and enter 'Luscii.' Then press 'search' to find the app.
  3. Download and install the app:

    • Install the 'Luscii' app by 'Luscii healthtech B.V.'
  4. Check your iOS version if you can't find the app:

    • Go to 'Settings' > 'General' > 'About' to check your current iOS version. The Luscii app requires iOS 14 or higher.
    • If your iOS version is lower than 14, go to 'Settings' > 'General' > 'Software Update' to see if you can update to iOS 14 or higher.
    • If you cannot update your iPhone or iPad to iOS 14 or higher, you will not be able to use the Luscii app on that device.

Follow these steps to install the Luscii app on your Android phone or tablet:


  1. Open the Play Store:

    • Open the Play Store on your Android phone or tablet.
    • If you are viewing this page on an Android phone or tablet, click here to directly open the Luscii app in the Play Store.
  2. Search for the Luscii app:

    • Tap the search bar and enter 'Luscii.' Then press 'search' to find the app.
  3. Download and install the app:

    • Install the 'Luscii' app by 'Luscii Healthtech.'
  4. Check your Android version if you can't find the app:

    • Go to the 'Settings' app > 'System' > 'About phone (or tablet).'
    • Scroll down to view your current Android version. The Luscii app requires Android version 8 or higher.
    • If your Android version is lower than 8, go to 'Settings' > 'System' > 'System update' to see if you can update to Android version 8 or higher.
    • If you cannot update your phone or tablet to Android version 8 or higher, you will not be able to use the Luscii app on that device.
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Frequently asked questions

Find the answer to your question

Are you trying to log in to the Thuismeten app but encountering issues? First, follow the steps of the logging in article. If you still cannot log in, there could be several reasons:

  • You cannot find the "Get Started with Thuismeten" email:

    • Your healthcare provider may not have registered you for Thuismeten yet. Contact your healthcare provider.
    • The email might have ended up in your spam or junk mail folder. Check your spam or junk mail folder.
  • You are trying to log in with your email address but receive the message "This email address or username is not known to us":

    • Your email address might not be your username for the Thuismeten app. Check the "Get Started with Thuismeten" email to find the correct username.
    • If you haven't received the "Get Started with Thuismeten" email, your healthcare provider may not have created your account yet. Contact your healthcare provider to confirm.
  • You are trying to log in with a new account but receive the message "Your account has been stopped":

    • Your healthcare provider might have created a second account for you. Check your email inbox for the most recent "Get Started with Thuismeten" email, which will contain the correct username.
  • You are not receiving the login code:

    • The email with your login code might have ended up in your spam or junk mail folder. Check your spam or junk mail folder.

If your issue is not resolved, please contact Luscii Support.

The email with your login code might have ended up in your spam or junk mail folder. Check your spam or junk mail folder.

Was your answer not among them?

Then contact our Luscii Support at or via our chat.
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