About the 'Settings'-screen


You go to the ‘Settings’ screen by selecting ‘Settings’ in the bottom left menu of the Luscii app. In this screen, you can personalize your experience with the Luscii app by specifying communication preferences, for example.


  • Personal information:

    • Edit profile: First name, last name, birthday, and gender can be edited. 
    • Save or cancel: Confirm changes with 'Save' or cancel with 'Cancel.'
    • Fixed information: Phone number, email address, and physical address are not editable.
  • Devices:

    • Manage devices: Overview of all connected devices. 
    • Device Status: Indication of whether devices are connected or not.
  • Availability for Measurements:

    • Register Absence: Enter start and end dates to temporarily stop receiving reminders. Your absence is visible to your healthcare provider.


    • Push Notifications: Receive notifications on your device if enabled.
    • Email Notifications: Options for notifications about new or missed actions.
    • Sounds: Enable or disable sound effects within the app.

      Help: Access help pages and direct chat with Luscii Support.
    • Feedback: Share feedback directly with the developers of the Luscii app.
    • About this App: Information about terms of use, privacy policy, and current version of the Luscii app.
    • Early Access: Option to test new features first.
    • Add Another Account: Ability to use the Luscii app with multiple accounts.

    Log Out: Option to log out of the app.

You go to the ‘Settings’ screen by selecting ‘Settings’ in the bottom left menu of the Luscii app. In this screen, you can personalize your experience with the Luscii app by specifying communication preferences, for example.


  • Personal information:

    • Edit profile: First name, last name, birthday, and gender can be edited. 
    • Save or cancel: Confirm changes with 'Save' or cancel with 'Cancel.'
    • Fixed information: Phone number, email address, and physical address are not editable.
  • Devices:

    • Manage devices: Overview of all connected devices. 
    • Device Status: Indication of whether devices are connected or not.
  • Availability for Measurements:

    • Register Absence: Enter start and end dates to temporarily stop receiving reminders. Your absence is visible to your healthcare provider.


    • Push Notifications: Receive notifications on your device if enabled.
    • Email Notifications: Options for notifications about new or missed actions.
    • Sounds: Enable or disable sound effects within the app.

      Help: Access help pages and direct chat with Luscii Support.
    • Feedback: Share feedback directly with the developers of the Luscii app.
    • About this App: Information about terms of use, privacy policy, and current version of the Luscii app.
    • Early Access: Option to test new features first.
    • Add Another Account: Ability to use the Luscii app with multiple accounts.

    Log Out: Option to log out of the app.

Frequently asked questions

Find the answer to your question

If you receive the email ‘Your actions for today have not been submitted,’ it means you have not completed the actions for that day in the Home screen of the Thuismeten app. If your actions have been successfully submitted, a blue checkmark will be visible next to the action in the Home screen.

Note: It is possible that new actions have been added to the Home screen based on previously submitted measurements. If you do not complete these actions, you will also receive a notification by email.

If you enter measurements via the ‘Self-care’ screen, these measurements will not be marked as completed under ‘Home’.

If the above information does not resolve the issue, please contact Luscii Support.

If you are experiencing issues with performing the heart rate measurement via the camera lens, you can try the following tips to resolve the problem:

  • Warm your hands under warm water and shake them well to improve blood circulation to the fingertips.
  • Try a different finger if it doesn't work with a particular finger.
  • Make sure you do not move during the measurement.
  • Do not press your finger against the lens.
  • Place your hand on a stable surface.
  • Ensure there is sufficient light in the room.
  • Do not start a measurement if your device's battery percentage is lower than 10%.

It is possible that your measurement schedule is different than expected or has changed over time.

Your healthcare provider schedules actions in the measurement schedule. The measurement schedule is located in the ‘Home’ screen in the Thuismeten app. For questions about your measurement schedule, you should contact your healthcare provider.

Was your answer not among them?

Then contact our Luscii Support at support@luscii.com or via our chat.
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